Hämy's musings

The first post, for testing purposes, if nothing else

I have made yet another blog.

Well, I've had only one before, but still. I managed to keep it up for a whopping eight months before I found I didn't have anything to write about any more. Or I did, but couldn't bring myself to write it. This was two years ago.

But, here I am, trying again.

Mostly because about a year ago I made an account to Mastodon and noticed that I quite like posting there. But unfortunately I'm often too wordy for that meagre 500 character limit and ended up making these way too long threads about whatever I was feeling wordy about at the time. And I thought that maybe I should move the unnecessarily long ramblings to an actual blog and just keep the short thoughts there.

I don't know if this is a good idea. I don't know if anything's a good idea. But here it is anyway.

We'll see how it goes.

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